I keep reflecting on how incredible 2024 was. With the S&P 500 up 23%, Bitcoin surging, and residential real estate climbing in most of the country, personal finance enthusiasts have had an amazing year. The investment gains almost feel like free money—and who doesn’t love getting something for free?
If you read Financial Samurai and subscribe to my free weekly newsletter, there’s a good chance you’re a personal finance enthusiast. Instead of spending eight hours watching sports over the weekend, you might find reviewing your net worth allocation and optimizing your investments far more entertaining.
Back in March 2020, when pandemic lockdowns began, if someone told me that five years later the stock market would be up ~85%, real estate up ~30%, and Bitcoin up over 1,000%, I’d have had a hard time believing it. Sure, I was bullish on asset prices at the time, writing posts like How To Predict The Stock Market Bottom Like Nostradamus. But I wasn’t that bullish.
Yet here we are, so much wealthier! By paying attention to your personal finances, chances are high your net worth is near or at an all-time high. With investment gains far exceeding historical averages, we have significantly outperformed the masses who are not personal finance enthusiasts.
How Personal Finance Enthusiasts Build Their Own Luck
Here are five key reasons why I believe those who religiously dive into personal finance books, sites, and podcasts create more luck and live better lives than those who don’t. Of course, we’re not always going to get things right. However, our million-dollar mindset is what sets us apart from the crowd.
Million-Dollar Mindset #1: More Optimism, Less Worry = Better Mental Health
As personal finance enthusiasts, we’ve studied the history of bull and bear markets. Bear markets, defined as a decline of 20% or more in a major stock index like the S&P 500, occur roughly every 4 to 6 years on average. When they do occur, the last for about 9.6 months on average. Knowing that neither lasts forever keeps us measured during both the worst and best of times.
We’re also less prone to FOMO that can derail less informed investors. We understand how to properly allocate assets based on our risk tolerance. We usually avoid taking unnecessary concentration risk or leverage that could blow up a portfolio.
In real estate, we negotiate smarter deals and follow sound purchasing guidelines that maximize joy while minimizing financial stress. Writing real estate love letters to make a connection and learning how to skillfully negotiate terms becomes second nature.
When it comes to retirement planning, we have clear net worth targets by age to keep us on track. We enjoy running withdrawal rate simulations to ensure long-term financial independence. By preparing for “what if” scenarios and learning from the success stories of others, we approach life’s uncertainties with confidence. For instance, having a plan for market downturns allows us to stay calm while others panic-sell at the bottom.
This level of understanding makes us better equipped to deal with both external shocks, like a pandemic, and personal challenges, like a job loss or unexpected medical expense.
Million-Dollar Mindset #2: Find Solutions To Economic Challenges = More Belief
We recognize that inflation is both an adversary and an ally. By investing heavily in inflation-hedged assets, like stocks, we not only neutralize its negative effects but also profit from it.
Take mortgage rates, as another example. When the 10-year bond yield dropped to 0.51% in 2020, homeowners refinanced at record-low rates, with 30-year fixed rates averaging just 2.7%. Some of us used that opportunity to buy homes before prices skyrocketed starting in late 2020.
Now, with bond yields around 4.5%, we’re earning meaningful risk-free returns on cash. For those of us with low mortgage rates, it feels like we’re getting paid to live in our homes!
We can also diversify our portfolios further by deploying some of our capital in alternative assets like venture capital. The growth rates of some of these private AI companies blow any inflation figure out of the water. Personally, I’m investing in Anduril, Databricks, OpenAI, Anthropic, Canva, and more through Fundrise.
The knowledge we gain as personal finance enthusiasts equips us to handle inflationary cycles with poise. Whether it’s renegotiating vendor contracts in a business, rebalancing portfolios, or simply adjusting household budgets, we remain proactive rather than reactive.
Million-Dollar Mindset #3: Find Ways To Create More Work Flexibility = More Freedom
By saving and investing more than the average person, we’ve bought ourselves incredible optionality. When your investments generate more income than your job, work becomes a choice, not a necessity.
Imagine no longer needing to chase promotions or work overtime to justify raises. You can say goodbye to 6 a.m. calls or Sunday travel to make a Monday morning meeting and still enjoy financial security. How wonderful to feel more free.
If you’ve reached at least 25 times your desired annual living expenses in investable assets, you could even retire early and pursue your passions stress-free. Better yet, as savvy finance enthusiasts, you know how to negotiate a severance package and enjoy unemployment benefits while transitioning to your next phase. Most people just quit with nothing due to fear and a lack of understanding.
Optionality extends to your career as well. Personal finance fanatics are often more willing to take calculated risks, like starting a business or pivoting to a completely new industry. Knowing that you have financial security gives you the courage to explore paths that align with your interests and values. Financial security also enables you to be your true self.
If you end up, marrying a personal finance enthusiast, you might not have to work very long at all!
Million-Dollar Mindset #4: Diligently Plan For Our Children’s Futures = More Hope
Parents always worry about their children, but personal finance enthusiasts worry less because we plan more.
We’ve locked in affordable life insurance policies, set up death files, superfunded 529 plans, and created revocable living trusts. My wife and I found tremendous peace of mind after securing matching 20-year term life insurance policies during the pandemic through Policygenius.
Beyond that, we prepare for rising college costs by exploring financial aid options and funding custodial investment accounts and Roth IRAs for our kids early on. By teaching our children to contribute earned income to these accounts, we foster both a strong work ethic and financial literacy.
Some of us go even further by building rental property portfolios or side businesses to provide career insurance for our children. If they graduate without job offers, they’ll have a safety net—and maybe even a job in the family business.
Million-Dollar Mindset #5: Strive To Live A Healthier Lifestyle = Higher-Quality Life
Once you achieve enough wealth, the goal becomes enjoying it for as long as possible. The longer you live, the more you are winning. Personal finance enthusiasts often prioritize healthier food choices, better exercise routines, and reduced stress.
During my 13 years working in finance, I suffered from chronic lower back pain, TMJ, and sciatica. Within six months of retiring, all my pain disappeared and my hair stopped graying. It was then that I finally realized that constant discomfort shouldn’t be normal.
Beyond the physical, financial freedom enables us to focus on mental well-being. We can afford therapy, wellness retreats, massages, or even simple joys like daily walks without the rush of a strict schedule. Many personal finance enthusiasts also develop hobbies that promote longevity, such as hiking, gardening, or yoga with friends. When you don’t have to stress as much about money, it’s easier to lead a healthier lifestyle.
The health benefits of early retirement are priceless! Toward the second half of your life, you will better appreciate how short life really is. By getting our finances right, not only do we have a greater potential to live healthier, but we might also extend our life expectancy.
Shocked More People Aren’t Personal Finance Enthusiasts
Given the immense benefits, I’m genuinely surprised more people don’t embrace personal finance. Yes, the topics might not be as exciting as your latest reality TV drama. Yes, downturns and calamities will happen, but with our knowledge and experience, we always have hope—and the tools—to grind our way back.
Once you master your finances, you’re not only more confident and secure but also less envious of others’ success. You’ll likely find yourself being kinder and more generous because financial stress no longer weighs you down.
Perhaps the barrier lies in perception. Some see personal finance as dry or intimidating. But as those of us in the community know, it’s anything but boring. Personal finance is a gateway to freedom, adventure, and a life filled with options.
So, here’s my hope: that more people discover the joys of personal finance. Luck doesn’t have to be left to chance. By taking control of our money, we take control of our lives—and that’s the greatest gift of all.
Readers, why do you think there aren’t more personal finance enthusiasts? Given so much information can be obtained online for free or at a low cost, why don’t more people get obsessed with their finances to build more wealth and gain more freedom sooner? What other types of million-dollar mindsets can you think of?
Order A Copy Of Millionaire Milestones
If you want to build more wealth and create a life filled with opportunity, pre-order your copy of Millionaire Milestones: Easy Steps To Seven Figures. This book will show you how to achieve financial freedom and live life on your own terms. Take control of your future!

To expedite your journey to financial freedom, join over 60,000 others and subscribe to the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is among the largest independently-owned personal finance websites, established in 2009. Everything is written based on firsthand experience and expertise.
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